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6 Tips to Build Muscle and Burn Fat with Short Time and Less Work


According to personal trainer Mike Budhani, build muscle and burn fat doesn’t have to involve lengthy workouts or trendy diets. Simple routines can yield remarkable results. Mike debunks common fitness myths and offers practical advice for achieving your fitness goals efficiently.

Key Points for Build Muscle and Burn Fat

  1. You can build muscle and burn fat, and get stronger without long workouts or fad diets.
  2. A personal trainer who helps clients transform their fitness said simple routines are key.
  3. Do fewer reps in the gym and flexible diet, and you’re more likely to stick to your routine.

Forget the bro science you keep seeing on social media platforms — you can actually work smarter, not harder, in the gym for better results.

A simple, sustainable routine can be an effective way to build muscle and burn fat with less time and effort, said Mike Budhani, a personal trainer specializing in fitness transformations.

Contrary to what popular fitness influencers may suggest, severely cutting calories, foregoing carbs, and exhausting yourself on the treadmill isn’t the best way to get ripped, according to Mike.

“There’s a significant amount of misinformation in the fitness community, especially among men.” as mike said. “People have this idea that to get fit you need to run loads and eat low carb. It’s the opposite.”

Mike said that a few hours of lifting weights per week and some basic nutrition know-how is all you need to create a lasting routine to shed body fat and pack on lean muscle — no fad diets or back-breaking workout trends required.

Stop Doing Endless Cardio

Stop Doing Endless Cardio

One of the common issues that can prevent people from reaching their aesthetic goals is excessive cardio in an attempt to burn body fat, according to Mike.

He explained, “Cardio helps with fat loss and slimming down, but it doesn’t necessarily lead to muscle toning or a visually pleasing physique.”

Excessive cardio might not be the best use of your time if your goal is muscle growth. However, incorporating some aerobic exercise into your routine remains important for overall health.

Focus On Shorter Workouts with Weight Training

Shorter Workout

To get big rounded muscles, engaging in strength training, such as lifting weights, is essential for achieving more defined muscles and stimulating muscle growth.

“Lifting weights made me more confident, stronger, and helped me get the appearance I have,” Mike said.

Mike emphasized the importance of a principle called progressive overload when it comes to weightlifting. Essentially, this means consistently challenging your muscles over time by increasing the weight you lift or doing more reps.

However, it’s not necessary to target every muscle group from every possible angle to see results. One of Mike’s clients achieved noticeable muscle definition with just four hours of weekly exercise.

“Many people focus solely on a few muscle groups like the chest and biceps, thinking it’s the key to muscle growth. But this approach can lead to a plateau,” Mike explained.

Studies indicate that you can achieve around 80% of potential muscle gains by doing between five to nine sets per muscle group each week. Beyond that, additional sets yield diminishing returns.

Stick to Simple Exercises

Mike conducts in-person training sessions in London and also offers virtual sessions to clients around the globe. He recommends exercises involving dumbbells or gym machines such as the leg press, especially for beginners, as they are straightforward and don’t require complex techniques.

Additionally, he advises against overcomplicating workouts. Classic compound movements like deadlifts and shoulder presses are effective because they engage multiple muscle groups.

Don't Cut Carbs

Don't Cut Carbs

While low-carb diets have gained popularity as a weight-loss tactic, they might not be the most effective approach for building strength and muscle.

According to dietitians working for, carbohydrates play a vital role as a source of energy, particularly for providing quick fuel during intense workouts.

Mike said a high-carb diet with weight lifting can be a better strategy for creating a lean, muscular physique. Sagar Negi is a 32-year-old client of his, experienced improved muscle definition, enhanced strength, and a decrease in belly fat by adopting a flexible, high-carb diet and proper strength training and fine-tuned cardio approach.

Eat Enough Food, Especially Protein

Focus on Protein

If you’re putting in the effort at the gym but not seeing the desired results, it’s possible you’re not consuming enough food to support muscle growth. While a calorie deficit is necessary for fat loss, excessively restricting calories can lead to muscle loss instead of fat. Mike emphasized that severe calorie cutting often leads to disappointment because it hampers muscle development.

However, you also don’t need to overdo it if you’re trying to build muscle mass — an extra hundred calories a day can be a good start, Mike said. Simply consuming more food won’t necessarily accelerate muscle growth; in fact, it could result in gaining fat instead.

Mike pointed out, “Men often believe that to build muscle, they need to consume as many calories as possible.”

Stay Consistent and Be Patient

Be Focused

Programs that claim to deliver rapid, miraculous results often fail to provide long-term benefits. It’s wiser to adopt a gradual, consistent approach if you seek genuine and enduring transformations.

“People often desire quick fixes, especially when bombarded by images of perfect bodies on social media platforms like Instagram, where many photos are digitally altered. This can create a sense of urgency to attain similar results immediately,” he explained.

Mike said his approach to fitness often surprises clients who expect a more complicated secret to achieving their goals. He explained that it’s not about finding a special exercise or diet plan that help in fat loss and muscle building results; rather, it’s about mastering the fundamental principles and consistently adhering to them over time.


In conclusion, Mike Budhani approach emphasizes simplicity, consistency, and patience for achieving lasting fitness results. By focusing on basic principles like strength training, balanced nutrition, and avoiding extreme measures, individuals can build muscle and burn fat, and improve their overall fitness without excessive effort or unrealistic expectations.

Read more about build muscle and burn fat – here