You are currently viewing 1 Complete Guide of BCAA Vs EAA Which Is Better for Muscle Growth

1 Complete Guide of BCAA Vs EAA Which Is Better for Muscle Growth


BCAA vs EAA which is better for muscle growth, we will study this topic in detail in this blog post. To know completely about BCAA vs EAA, we will throw light on all these aspects which will help us in determining. Which supplement should an individual use as per his/her needs? And which supplement is suitable for muscle growth? Let’s learn about BCAA vs EAA which is a better supplement for muscle recovery and muscle building.

Supplement For Every Goal

Supplement For Every Goal

Muscle building, we have heard this term a lot. In the world of fitness, health, and bodybuilding, this term is directly related to diet, workout, and range of supplements. As far as workout and rest are concerned, of course, it is according to each individual’s capacity and convenience. But when it comes to supplements, every person chooses different types of supplements to get the desired results according to their fitness goals.

For example, if someone wants to lose weight or reduce fat, then his supplement would be around fat burners and a calorie-deficit diet. If someone wants to build muscle, then his supplement would be around Protein, Creatine, BCAA vs EAA. If someone wants to maintain normal fitness, then his supplementation diet will be different according to his needs.

What are Amino Acids?

Let us know what are the essential amino acids.

All essential and non-essential amino acids are organic compounds that are composed primarily of nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen.

The human body requires 20 different types of amino acids to increase your physical capabilities, to increase your muscles, and to function properly and for overall health. Although all 20 of these are vital to your health, only 9 are classified as essential amino acids. The human body cannot produce these 9 essential amino acids on its own. Therefore, humans have to take all these amino acids through food items or form of supplements.

Understanding BCAAs and EAAs

Before we give a relative explanation between BCAA and EAA. We need to know the fundamentals of both. After knowing this fundamental, we will decide who will win the race of BCAA vs EAA.

What is BCAA?

What is BCAA

BCAA (refers to Branch Chain Amino Acids) contains three essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. BCAA are building blocks that the human body uses to make protein. BCAA’s three amino acids are

  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valine

These three types of amino acids have to be taken by humans through food and supplements.

The mentioned advantages are some most talked about benefits of taking of BCAA supplement.

Benefits of BCAA

  1. Reduce Fatigue During Exercise
  2. Reduce Muscle Soreness
  3. May Increase Muscle Mass
  4. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels
  5. May Enhance Weight Loss
  6. Reduce Complications in Liver Disease

What is EAA?

What is EAA

Essential amino acids or EAA are a group of amino acid compounds that are essential for the human body for proper functions. We have to take these essential amino acids s by eating certain foods. As other amino acids are building blocks of protein, the same is the EAA. EAA contains a group of 9 amino acids, which are as below.

  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Methionine
  • Lysine
  • Histidine
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valine

Benefits of EAA

  1. Good Mood
  2. improve exercise performance and recovery
  3. helpful for wound healing and surgery
  4. Reduce Fatigue During Exercise
  5. Reduce Muscle Soreness
  6. May Increase Muscle Mass
  7. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels
  8. May Enhance Weight Loss
  9. Reduce Complications in Liver Disease

Natural Sources of BCAA and EAA

All these 9 essential amino acids are found in these foods. and because of the amino acid profile of these foods, they are considered complete protein foods. So, some of them are given below. The source provides complete proteins to the human body.

  • Meat
  • Seafood
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy Products
  • Soy
  • Pea Protein
  • Beans
  • Nuts

Comparing Muscle Growth Factor of Both BCAA Vs EAA

So now the question comes in between BCAA and EAA, which product is most useful for our muscle growth, overall fitness, and health?

Muscle Protein Synthesis: And as far as it comes to muscle recovery. There both BCAA and EAA play an important role.  Leucine is an important player in BCAA and is responsible for most muscle Protein Synthesis. It has been found in a lot of studies that leucine-rich supplements can increase muscle protein synthesis in a very good way. That’s why BCAA is popular among Athletes and Fitness freaks.

Complete Amino Acid Profile: While BCAAs provide three essential amino acids, EAAs offer a complete spectrum of all nine essential amino acids. This comprehensive profile ensures that your body has access to all the building blocks necessary for muscle repair and growth. Therefore, if your goal is to optimize muscle growth and recovery, EAAs may offer a more holistic approach compared to BCAAs alone.

Muscle Recovery and Performance: Over the past 10 years, I have been using both according to the need, In the race for BCAA vs EAA, I noticed that both are very good at reducing muscle soreness and promote more post-workout muscle recovery than any other supplements. Additionally, these amino acids can support endurance and performance during workouts by providing a readily available source of energy for muscles. However, some argue that EAAs may have a slight edge due to their broader range of amino acids, which can address a wider array of physiological needs.

Individual Goals and Preferences: Ultimately, the choice between BCAAs and EAAs depends on individual goals, preferences, and dietary habits. If you’re primarily focused on maximizing leucine intake and stimulating protein synthesis, BCAAs may be sufficient. However, If you are looking for a great muscle and overall health development. Then EAA may be a very good option here for you.

Incorporating BCAA Vs EAA into Your Fitness Routine


Till here we are very good to go to choose the right supplement according to our body demands, below I have mentioned some other factors that will help you more to select the best in between BCAA vs EAA.

Pre-Workout: Consuming BCAAs or EAAs before a workout can help prime your muscles for optimal performance and reduce fatigue during intense training sessions. Consider mixing a scoop of your preferred supplement with water or a sports drink for easy consumption.

Intra-Workout: Sipping on a BCAA or EAA drink during your workout can provide a steady supply of amino acids to fuel your muscles and prevent catabolism (muscle breakdown). This is particularly beneficial during prolonged or high-intensity exercise sessions.

Post-Workout: After completing your workout, replenishing your muscles with BCAAs or EAAs can support recovery and promote muscle repair. Look for supplements that contain additional ingredients like electrolytes or carbohydrates to enhance absorption and refuel glycogen stores.

Throughout the Day: In addition to pre-workout supplementation, you can also incorporate BCAAs or EAAs into your daily routine to support overall muscle health and recovery. Whether you prefer capsules, powders, or ready-to-drink formulas, find a convenient option that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Considering Other Factors

While BCAAs and EAAs are valuable supplements for muscle growth and recovery, it’s essential to consider other factors that can influence your results. These include:

Diet: A balanced diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is essential for supporting muscle growth and overall health. Ensure that you’re consuming enough calories and nutrients to fuel your workouts and facilitate recovery.

Training Program: Your training program plays a significant role in determining your muscle-building success. Focus on progressive overload, proper form, and adequate rest to optimize your training results.

Sleep and Stress Management: Adequate sleep and stress management are crucial for muscle recovery and growth. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night and implement stress-reducing strategies such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.


In the debate of BCAA vs EAA for muscle growth, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Both supplements offer unique benefits and can play a valuable role in supporting your fitness goals. Whether you choose BCAAs for their leucine-rich profile or opt for EAAs for their comprehensive amino acid spectrum, prioritize consistency and adherence to maximize their effectiveness. Ultimately, the best supplement is the one that aligns with your individual needs, preferences, and fitness objectives. By incorporating BCAAs or EAAs into your fitness routine alongside proper nutrition, training, and recovery strategies, you can optimize your muscle growth and achieve your desired results.