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10 Powerful Seeds for Overall Health and Wellness


Welcome to you all fitness freaks and seeds lovers! Looking for nutrition packed powerful seeds for overall health and wellness improvement? Ever thought that those itty-bitty seeds could be your health sidekicks? Let’s take a chill stroll through the seed world and meet ten incredible varieties that are like little superheroes for your well-being.

Chia Seeds - The Energy Wizards

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds are widely known for its wide nutritional value, now thinking about chia seeds to be your pantry’s energy enchanters! These little powerful sources are very high is fiber, full of antioxidants, and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, will keep your heart healthy and reduce cholesterol levels, help with weight loss, and your energy levels high. You can regularly add 2 spoon chia seeds for overall health and wellness, the best time would be in breakfast for better results.

Chia Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 486
Total Fat – 31 g
Total Carbohydrate – 42 g
Protein – 17 g

Flaxseeds - Heart's BFF


Meet flaxseeds, your heart’s bestie! With omega-3s and antioxidant pals called lignans, they’re not just tasty; they’re on a mission to keep your heart healthy, give your skin that natural glow, and improve digestive health or relieve constipation.

Flaxseeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 534
Total Fat – 42 g
Total Carbohydrate – 29 g
Protein – 18 g

Sunflower Seeds - Snack Sunshine

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are like bites of sunshine for your snack time! Loaded with vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium, these little pals aren’t just about the crunch; they’ve got your back by supporting your immune system, lower rates of cardiovascular disease, reduce high cholesterol, help to manage high blood pressure, making your skin smile, and helping you through those achy days.

Sunflower Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 584
Total Fat – 51 g
Total Carbohydrate – 20 g
Protein – 21 g

Pumpkin Seeds - Mini Mineral Treasures

Pumpkin seeds

The pepitas, or the pumpkin seeds, are little sweet treasures! These pumpkin seeds are packed with many nutrition such as iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium, all these nutrition help you to boost your immune system, calm your heart, lower blood sugar level, boost testosterone naturally, and even help you in quality sleep. This is a one of the complete powerful seeds for overall health and wellness.

Pumpkin Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 446
Total Fat – 19 g
Total Carbohydrate – 54 g
Protein – 19 g

Sesame Seeds - Nutrient Elegance

Sesame Seeds

Imagine sesame seeds as the fancy guests at your meal table. With copper, manganese, and calcium, they’re not just adding flavor; they’re supporting your bones and Promotes Bone Health, looking out for your heart, and tackling those sneaky free radicals with their antioxidant moves.

Sesame Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 573
Total Fat – 50 g
Total Carbohydrate – 23 g
Protein – 18 g

Hemp Seeds - Protein Party

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are the life of the party in seed town! Loaded with omega-3s and omega-6s, they bring the complete protein package. Ready to be your heart’s buddy, kick inflammation out, and keep your energy levels grooving.

Hemp Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 553
Total Fat – 49 g
Total Carbohydrate – 9 g
Protein – 32 g

Quinoa Seeds - Rockstar Pseudocereal

Quinoa Seeds

Quinoa is like the rockstar that fooled us into thinking it’s a grain – and it’s killing it! A complete protein with fiber, magnesium, and iron, quinoa is your backstage pass to supporting your cardiovascular health, boosting your energy, and keeping you fabulously full.

Quinoa Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 374
Total Fat – 6 g
Total Carbohydrate – 68 g
Protein – 13 g

Pomegranate Seeds - Antioxidant Pops

Pomegranate Seeds

Alright, they’re not exactly seeds, but pomegranate arils are like pops of antioxidant joy! Bursting with vitamins and anti-inflammatory vibes, they’re here to fist-bump your immune system and keep your skin glowing.

Pomegranate Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 83
Total Fat – 1 g
Total Carbohydrate – 19 g
Protein – 2 g

Safflower Seeds - Heart's Cheerleaders

Safflower Seeds

Safflower seeds are the heart’s cheerleaders, bringing monounsaturated magic. Imagine them cheering on your heart, helping manage cholesterol, and keeping your cardiovascular system in tip-top shape.

Safflower Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 517
Total Fat – 38 g
Total Carbohydrate – 34 g
Protein – 16 g

Amaranth Seeds - Energy Boosters

Amarnath Seeds

Amaranth, the unsung hero of seeds, brings a powerhouse of goodness. With protein, fiber, and a bunch of vitamins and minerals, it’s your secret weapon for supporting your heart and keeping your energy levels high all day long.

Amaranth Seeds Macro Nutrition Facts 100g
Calories – 374
Total Fat – 6.50 g
Total Carbohydrate – 66 g
Protein – 14.50 g