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Top 3 Back Workout Split and Best Exercise for A Wide Back


A well-defined, wide back not only enhances your physique and fitness but also contributes to overall strength and posture. Crafting an effective best exercise for a wide back workout schedule is crucial for achieving that coveted V-taper. In this guide, we’ll explore the top three back workout splits and delve into the best exercise for a wide back that should be a staple in your routine.

Back Workout Splits 1: Foundation Building

Deadlifts Conventional

Deadlifts Conventional:

Kick off your back workout schedule with the king of compound exercises – deadlifts. This full-body movement engages multiple muscle groups, including your back, promoting overall strength and size. Aim for 4 sets of 6-8 reps to build a solid foundation.

Bent-over Rows Over hand Grip:

Next, target your lats and middle back with bent-over rows over hand. Maintain proper form to isolate the muscles effectively. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps to stimulate muscle growth and enhance width.

V Handle Seated Rows:

Here we target the middle and lower back, to add thickness and muscle density we must add this in our back workout schedule. Avoid pulling weight from your lower back or just using shoulder and forearms power, to make workout more effective you must use a strap or more you can use the mug grip in order to cut forearm engagement, and get better isolation on muscles. Try to do 3 sets of 15-10 reps with last one will be a drop set.  

Lat Pulldowns Front Close 16inch:

Finish the foundation-building workout with front close Lat pulldowns, hold the bar in the distance of 16inch from middle of the bar which is around 8 inch each side, focusing on the mind-muscle connection. Opt for a moderate weight and complete 4 sets of 12-15 reps to ensure a well-rounded back development.

Back Workout Splits 2: V Tapper Back in Progress

V Tapper Back in Progress


Begin the width-focused workout with pull-ups, an excellent bodyweight exercise for widening the upper back. Aim for 3 sets to failure to maximize muscle engagement and stimulate growth.

T-Bar Rows:

Shift your focus to the lower lats with T-bar rows. Utilize a V-handle for better targeting and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps, emphasizing a full range of motion for optimal results.

Low Incline Pullovers:

Next, this is one of the top workouts in your back workout schedule and best exercise of a wide back. Start with the moderate weight as you perfectly stated handling weight, here you can add more load and train hard to get a perfect v tapper wide back with this classic old school workout. You need to do at least 3 sets of this workout with 8-12 reps.   

Face Pulls:

Cap off the width-centric workout with face pulls, targeting the rear delts and upper traps. Incorporating this exercise helps in achieving a well-rounded, wide back appearance. Complete 3 sets of 15-20 reps with controlled movements.

Back Workout Splits 3: Width Emphasis

Width Emphasis

This is the most personalized workout split section where I am discussing about the best exercise for a wide back and add more width to your back. I have 20+ years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness field, and about more then 13+ years of experience as a trainer. If you consider these workouts in your schedule, I promise your will get a wide and thick back. in order to achieve your desire shape and muscles density the individual should also watch-out for his proper nutrition and supplements.

Wide Grips Lat Pull Down

You will perform here 4 sets first 3 set of 10-15 reps and last one will be drop set of 8+8+8 where will drop all 3 above sets weight, for example you have started from 60 kg for 15 reps, then 75 kg for 12 reps and 90 kg for 10 reps, from here the last one 4 set you will again start from 90kg you will do 8 reps then drop to the 75 kg and 8 reps and finish with 60 kg and 8 reps.

Straight Arm Pull Down Wide Grip

This is one of my favourite workouts for a perfect v tapper back. In this workout you will perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps with a weight which you can handle easily, don’t add to much weight until you perfectly learn this because with heavy weight in this workout you can engage your core.   

Cable Pull Over

This is a safer version of dumbbell pull over, in cable pull over you will set the bench in inclined form and will do this with the rope attachment. Perform 4 sets of 10-15 reps. To add more intensity in this perfect isolation workout, try to hold 1st reps of each set for at least 10 sec at the top movement.

Seated Rows Wide Grip

You will do this wide back workout with Lat pull down attachment. This seated row variation is perfect for your v tapper back. Do 4 sets to 12-20 reps for extra muscle hypertrophy.

 I have mentioned the instruction about, how to perform wide grips Lat pull down perfectly

Best Exercise for A Wide Back: Wide-Grip Pull-Downs

Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs

With the one target and proper approach to get wide back, include this widely known wide grip Lat pull downs into your back workout routine. This exercise places emphasis on the outer lats, contributing to a broader appearance.

  1. Set the cable machine with a wide-grip attachment.
  2. Sit comfortably, ensuring your thighs are secured under the pads.
  3. Hold the bar with slightly wider than shoulder-width grip.
  4. Pull the bar down towards your chest, keeping your back straight and chest up.
  5. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together at the bottom of the movement.
  6. Slowly release the bar to starting position, controlled negative reps to add more intensity.

Integrate wide-grip pull-downs into your back workout schedules to enhance width and achieve that popular V-taper Back.


A strategic combination of foundational exercises and targeted movements is key to sculpting a wide and powerful back. Implement the provided back workout schedules, emphasizing the best exercise for a wide back, and witness the transformation of your physique as you unlock the full potential of your back muscles.